Friday, January 4


Completely unrelated to lists or, really, anything I've presented on DW so far, let's just all gather under one banner, hold hands and celebrate the repudiation of Clinton in Iowa (and what a good word choice; click the title of this post for the news segment). Not only did Obama win Iowa, even Edwards came in above Clinton. Even such a whisper of hope is enough to let me sleep soundly tonight.



Blogger Kinney said...

I have never really been inspired by a politician before even though I really like politics. You have to watch the acceptance speech Obama gave. It is amazing. I am fired up and ready to go.

1/04/2008 1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As much as I agree he is an inspirational guy with a great biography and demeanor, you have to realize that substantively he's not offering anything new. He's probably my favorite -person- running for president, but because of his policies and rhetoric, he's far from my favorite candidate. The idea that we could have a president who wins on an anti-trade/high-tax platform (i.e. any of the Democrats or Mike Huckabee) scares the hell out of me.

1/11/2008 12:31 PM  
Blogger Kinney said...

Bond? Is that you?

I know he isn't offering anything amazingly new policy wise. However, he is trying to offer a new, well actually old style of compromise politics instead of a Rovian on Clinonian winning at all costs minorty. I enjoyed watching the group of 14 Senators that brokered that deal and were willing to work across the aisle. This is one of the main reasons why I support Obama.

I do have problems with many of his policy ideas. Including the ones you specifically mention of trade and taxes. I would note that compromise politics should ameliorate the most progressive of these ideas, with the exception of some trade issues. However, I think that most important is that we get away from the current administration's notion of executive power, civil liberties and international law. I trust Obama most of all to do this and basically everything else is secondary to me.

1/28/2008 7:42 AM  

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