Saturday, July 14


For awhile now, part of my weekly grocery shopping extravaganza has been picking up a can of Westbrae organic corn. I normally heat it up, throw half of it into a baked potato with salsa for lunch, and keep the other half as a side for some later meal. Turns out, though, I never bothered to take a close look at the can. Westbrae is not only a supplier of organic produce, they're also a supporter of the vegetarian lifestyle. Given, they have a vested interest in promoting more vegetables in peoples' diets. But the interesting thing is the vegetarian food pyramid they show on their cans. Instead of being a daily intake system, it's actually divided by tiers of how often each catagory should be eaten. Take a look:

How cool is that? I would say I pretty much have been following that to the 't' without ever really thinking about it. But I thought you might find it interesting to see how a vegetarian's diet is actually broken down. It's not all pastas, or all vegetables, etc. But it's a good balance between energy, protein, and a sufficient distribution of fats and oils...and it's all delicious.

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