Friday, October 28

The Midterm

Well, just as a reason for why I'm not posting this week, I'm 2646 words into my 5000 word midterm. What's troubling is that it is all on one of the two essays, from which I have yet to reject the theory proposed. I imagine it'll end up being 3,000 words by the time I'm done and have widdled it down a bit. That leaves me 2,000 for the second (1st) essay, which will also be cramped. But, at least I'm over half-way done with the project as a whole. I can't explain how easily this stuff comes now. I can remember trying to hash out 5 page papers and now I'm writing 20 in a week. I'm going to have to take a break tonight (yes, on a Friday night) to read an article before I begin the second (1st) essay, but then it's back to work typing away. I'm hoping to get both essays done tonight. They might not be pretty (though the one I'm essentially finished with is damn good) but that'll give me over 24 hours to ignore them before coming back to revise on Sunday afternoon. Anyways, this was a useful break for me and an immense bore for you (I do hope you haven't reached this point). But, mainly, just wanted to give you a reason why I haven't cared to expound philosophically on here...namely that I'm expounding philosophically elsewhere.

Post Scripts...


Blogger J.B.P. said...

Ok, I normally delete these spam posts, but I found this funny, so it stays.

10/28/2005 9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, but I have reached this point ... but only because I'm sitting at home sniffly. :/


10/30/2005 9:22 PM  

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