Tuesday, December 13

Established Credit

The apprehension of the source of this undifferentiated yet everywhere particularized substratum of being is rendered frustrate by the very organs through which the apprehension must be accomplished. The forms of sensibility and the categories of human thought, which are themselves manifestations of this power, so confine the mind that it is normally impossible not only to see, but even to conceive, beyond the colorful, fluid, infinitely various and bewildering phenomenal spectacle.

-The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Joseph Campbell

A couple years back, Deek loaned me a copy of this book. True, I will attempt to return it to him when I see him this weekend at the wedding, but regardless, it just adds to the credit I give to this man's opinions. He recently started up his own blog, Global Century. For all that Divergent World lacks direction, Deek actually has a concept of deep political insight that is very engaging. The link to his blog will remain on the sidebar to the right, but just wanted to give him credit here.

Also, the title of this post is linked to another good friend of mine who's credit has long been established in my book. ASH has created a blog, again with the type of direction I can only aspire to, for first-time or start-up investors. I'll admit, I'm completely lost when it comes to a lot of financial stuff. Don't get me wrong, I understand the concepts, the numbers, the facts about Roth's and expense ratio's, but I just don't have that passionate fuel that leads to what I consider intellegence in an area. ASH does. His blog will also be linked from the sidebar to the right, but wanted to draw your attention to it here.

Post Scripts...


Blogger Kinney said...

Hey thanks for the sales pitch, maybe somebody might actually see my blog. Hero is a great book, you can keep it. I stole one from my mom, she has about three. You should really like One Hundred Years of Solitude too, it is probably my favorite book.

12/13/2005 8:52 PM  

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