Wednesday, March 29

Easing Back into Divergence

So this past weekend was exactly what I needed. Unfortunately, that doesn't bode well for Divergent World. I haven't posted anything of substance in so long because, honestly, this semester has been kicking my ass. With the presentation in Memphis, papers due, comps to study for (which sucked away my life the most), and the midterm for 20th century, I haven't had much time for my own endeavors. That, and I seriously sprained my brain during the comps. I fired it into overdrive and did some things that amazed even myself during those long nights of lucubrating, but I must have blown a gasket. And with the trip down South this past weekend of literally turning my brain off, I'm having a little difficulty getting back into the groove of things up here.

But there's also a light at the end of the tunnel. I have two papers and two take-home finals due and then I'm done with the semester. Combine that with the fact that I'll only need to take 2 courses each of the next two semesters, plus the fact that I think I did really well on my comps (maybe not passing them all, but hopefully passing 2 of 3), and next year is going to be a lot easier for me. I'll actually have time to travel down to NOLA once during the Fall and will definitely make it for Krewe de Karte in the Spring. And perhaps best, I'll have time to catch up on all those top shelf books that keep piling up (I swear Rand is first once May hits).

In the meantime, though, DNAK tagged me from his political blog, Global Century. Its an incredibly brilliant (aka, generally over my head) view of the communication barriers breaking down in our "global village." And, as a disclaimer, when I say it's over my head, that doesn't mean it's all technical mumbo-jumbo; it's just really smart in an area I have little aptitude for (like ASH's finance page). But, that's why I read such blogs, to gain in understanding (doing fine with finance, still lagging in the globalization arena). Anyways, what he tagged me with was filling out the following form. So now that I'm back, here's a non-in-depth introductory post of your classic questions, answers:

Four Jobs I've Had:
  1. Bartender/Server (my employment fallback...cause I kick ass at it)
  2. Co-manager of a freshman residence hall (not the actual job title, but the actual workload...ask Ryan)
  3. Lifeguard Supervisor/Instructor (yeah, kicked ass at this one, too)
  4. Shoe salesman (New Balance above all others, then Saucony...the rest are crap)
Four movies I could watch over and over:
  1. Love, Actually
  2. The Shawshank Redemption
  3. American Beauty
  4. Good Will Hunting
Four places I have lived:
  1. Springfield, MO
  2. New Orleans, LA
  3. DeKalb, IL
  4. **poof**, The Other Side
Four TV shows I love [like] to watch (I don't care much for TV):
  1. House
  2. Daily Show/Colbert Report
  3. West Wing
  4. Battlestar Galactica
Four places I have been on holiday:
  1. Honolulu, HI
  2. Pacific Beach, CA
  3. Caribean (Jamaica, Grand Caymon, Cozumel)
  4. Kathmandu, Nepal (...ok, not yet...but soon)
Four websites I visit daily:
  1. Fark
  2. Comic Strips
  3. Google News (with my own filtered headings of relevant material)
  4. Washington Post
Four favorite foods:
  1. Freschetta's Ovenbaked 5-cheese frozen pizza
  2. Byblo's Chicken Shwawarma
  3. 2% Large Curd Cottage Cheese and Saltine's (I don't know, I just do)
  4. English Muffins with peanut butter and honey
Four places I would rather be right now:
  1. Stanford, Colorado, Berkley, Princeton, or Rutgers PhD program.
  2. Nepal...always.
  3. New Orleans...yeah, already.
  4. Eh, if nothing else, probably Fatty's with a pitcher of Moosehead
Apparently, now you're supposed to tag other blogs. However, most blogs I read have no idea I exist, so instead I'll just suggest certain individuals who read my blog (SLC) feel free to fill this out themselves...or not. Whatever works.

Till next time, which will hopefully be within the day or two...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

our Jobs I've Had:

1. Clerical at DFS
2. Trumpet section leader in marching band
3. Translator for a Nicaraguan relief organization
4. Being a diva...I've only had one job really...the first one.

Four movies I could watch over and over:

1. Gladiator
2. The Matrix
3. Boondock Saints
4. The Usual Suspects

Four places I have lived:

1. Springfield, MO (that's it...)
Four TV shows I love to watch :

1. History's Mysteries
2. Daily Show/Colbert Report
3. Dirty Jobs
4. The News at 10

Four places I have been on holiday:

1. Aruba
2. Dominican Republic
3. Playa Del Carmen, MX
4. Hilton Head, SC

Four websites I visit daily:

1. Facebook
2. MySpace
3. Xanga
4. Yahoo (various)

Four favorite foods:

1. Beef Stew my mother makes
2. Campbell's Soups
3. Oranges
4. Anything with potatoes in it

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Visiting my man in California
2. Aruba
3. New Orleans
4. Greece

4/03/2006 1:16 AM  

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