Wednesday, May 10

Fight to the Pain

Meditation is running into reality. It does not insulate you from the pain of life. It allows you to delve so deeply into life and all its aspects that you pierce the pain barrier and go beyond suffering.

-Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, "Mindfulness in Plain English"

So I've been absent for awhile. I'd like to say it was in the pursuit of killing demons, but unfortunately not all my demons may be taken down through reason. In fact, one in particular seems immune to it. The thing is, every time I loaded up my edit page to write some thought about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, all I could think about was the barrier of pain I've been smashing my head against these past few weeks.

I won't go in too much graphic detail, as the scars are still healing. But suffice it to say that I cannot stand being in a position of a non-equal power-base. And yes, this applies to those situations where I am the "top dog," too. But in the case in question, the control was not only not in my hands, but in inept hands, at that. The reason I have such frustration [bleeding eye frustration, no joke] with non-equal bases of power is that one of the guiding factors I hold necessary for the existence of integrity is undeniable fact that one should be rated solely on their abilities: solely; nothing else; just the stripped naked soul of the individual regardless of whether it's man v. Nature, man v. man, or man v. himself.

I've attempted a third paragraph four times now. But every time I start writing, I trail off in a stream of unfiltered anger. Because yes, I'm pissed. The scary kind of pissed. I just have such frustration with those individuals who are insecure, yet entirely too proud at the same time; that oximoronic, Ellsworth-mediocrity, disdain for the 12 great minds who've shaped our society because they will never be the thirteenth-type, capable of doublethink yet blind to the subconscious betrayal of their real self through these inconsistencies. Ok, third paragraph is now finished. And I end with a quote:

"Or you can accept this fight is for your life, and make the past your killing field. You shouldn't have any problem spotting me when you go out there. I'll be the guy with the machete. "
-- From the disreputable website, CJ


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One should give up anger, renounce
pride, and overcome all fetters. Suffering never befalls those who cling not to mind and body and are detached.

--Dhammapada 221

Hang in there man.

5/10/2006 4:49 PM  
Blogger J.B.P. said...

Thanks, bro.

5/11/2006 2:43 PM  

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