Tuesday, May 2

The Other Side

"Men go abroad to admire the heights of mountains, the mighty billows of the sea, the broad tides of rivers, the compass of the ocean, and the circuits of the stars, and pass themselves by."

"Hear the other side."

--St. Augustine

To annoy DJL, I'll go ahead and say it; Sorry I haven't written in so long. But, seriously, it's been a busy time as of late. In addition to training for the quasi-manager role I'm taking on at work, it's also end of the semester. Which, of course, means 50 pages or so of writing and various other sundries. But I have had a couple revelations in the works. One on puzzles, cause I do love puzzles. But the more interest topic I'll be putting up here is an explanation for the title of this blog, "Divergent World," and its corollary to what I mean when I say "the other side of things." Anyways, probably in a week or so I'll be back to posting. And, contrary to the cliche' apology above, I really don't expect you to be anxiously awaiting...but at least it'll be an indication that I'm sane again.


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