Sunday, July 29

An Excellent Professional Networking Tool

Facebook, friendster (anyone remember that), Quxo (or that?), myspace, and all the rest of the online networking sites had a great idea; to get people connected and, in effect, show how one is connected to others who aren't necessarily their immediate friends. How do we use such sites? To give running commentary on the mediocrities of life (and, yes, I participate in these commentaries as much as the next guy) and to proposition people to come to our adult only sites (for those interested, my adult only site is linked from the title of this post).

There's nothing inherently wrong about these systems; after all, they are designed specifically for bootycalls. But there is now a system that networks even better than the social sites only it's geared towards professionals. LinkedIn allows you to create a profile that, in essence, is a personal resume'. In constructing your profile, you have the opprotunity to not only list current and prior jobs, but also what field or industry defines your profession. It is even possible to give and receive recommendations, thus providing second or third tier connections knowledge of who is and who is not reliable in their performance. In my experience with the system so far, I haven't come across anything lacking -- they've even got locations categorized. Oh, and its free. We all recognize the expression, "It's not what you know, but who you know." I think this site is finally a positive, productive, and practical (the three holy p's, in my book) step forward to utilizing the power of the search engine to full throttle.

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Blogger Tristan said...

How did the move go? Are you getting settled in?

8/15/2007 3:08 PM  

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