Saturday, February 12


Click on the title of this post. It will take you to an interesting read regarding random number generators and the effects we can have upon them. Once you read this little piece, I'd highly recommend taking up Radin's book The Conscious Universe (Troy currently has my copy). Keeping in mind that the effects being manipulated are simply the ratio of 1's to 0's, but that the Edinburgh box combines over 40 of these number generators into one simple machine. Thus the averaging effect is huge, giving probabilities against chance that I would take odds on any day. You might find it pointless, or even stupid, but if nothing else it is interesting. But definitely check out Radin's book, or Talbot's The Holographic Universe. For that matter, any book that contains "universe" in the title, such as Hawkins The Universe in a Nutshell or Greene's The Elegant Universe.


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