Monday, March 14

Just in Time

Back to the old grind just in time for Spring Break. I have been entirely too unproductive since Tiff and Traci were in town. I finally made up a "to do" list, and it's longer than I'd hoped. Between a test in prob/stat, a test in cognative neuroscience, a hypothesis for evolutionary psych, and the 100+ pages for buddhism, this week is going to be sour. Luckily, it's just in time to make spring break so much more sweet.

I'm sorry I don't have much more to write about. There are several things I'd like to share, some bad, mostly good, one truely amazing, but all-in-all not possible for me to write on this blog. You all know I'm not a private person as a rule, but I'd just as well not have to deal with prying eyes.

Once my neurons kick into gear (reverse is my favorite!) I'll post something worth reading. Till that time, Namaste.


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