Monday, March 14

Soleil Levant

I finally found the name of my favorite painting. It's a Monet, titled "Soleil Levant" or "Sunrise." A good friend of mine, Karie, made comment one day as I have it as a poster in my room. She had the poster of Monet's "Venice," and compared the two pieces to the difference between the two of us. Where "Venice" is uplifting and bright with a clearity of intent, "Soleil Levant" is a fog of thought. "Venice" has an overall beauty and the light permeats the entirety of the city, while in "Soleil Levant" the focus is the small red sun and it's mirrored, blurred image on the waves (similar to the Buddhist thought about moving without moving, like the moon's reflection on waves). Finally, and I think most telling, is the image "Venice" brings of a lively party that's social and encompasses everyone in the city, while "Soleil Levant" is just the sole boat in the middle of the gray. Anyways, that was Karie's assessment of my personality within the painting with a little ad lib on my part. Take it for what you will, but I feel it's a pretty accurate assessment of who I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

see...i think the painting is much like you as well. only the sun represents the radiance you bring to the world in the form of your personality, your infinite wisdom, your--just you. I think the fog or haze is the world...unable to understand and deduct all that is offered. However, the sun (radiant form of you) is shining down on the water, through the fog, allowing your inner-self to show. "Ordinary men hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe." (Lao-Tzu, Tao-te-Ching) Perhaps the sun shows that you are alone, yet one with the universe.

Thats my thought on it....ashley

3/15/2005 1:57 AM  

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