Wednesday, December 14

The Open Road

Time for another long haul. I really don't mind these drives at all, though I imagine people always tend to find me a bit more insane on the other side of them. Tomorrow night I head out on a 16 hour drive from DeKalb, IL to Mobile, AL. I'll leave town around 6 or 7 so that I can get into Mobile around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I know that doesn't add up, but figure in the fueling and the few naps along the way (of which, I try to make a habit of getting off the road prior to taking), and it'll should be a decent haul. The one time I made a 16 hour haul it was fleeing from Ivan, which I had to postpone my departure to clear out Monroe, so that meant I merged into the stand-still that is I-10. Took me 6 hours to get from Claiborne and I-10 to the I-55 junction. Seeing as I left at 2 in the afternoon, I wasn't home till 7 the next morning, driving straight thru. Getting home at day break was nice. I had to stop and see someone once I got into Springfield, but then I was able to sleep during the morning hours. I am a little worried, not of driving thru the night, but of driving between 8am and noon Friday morning. Anyways, I'll make it there one way or another, and I'm sure I'll be good to go for a gathering of old friends come Friday evening.

After those few days in Mobile, I'll be home for a bit to make up for missed time with the family. As such, once I'm home I'll only have dial-up, and I hate trying to do blogger through dial-up. I might hit up the coffee shop once or twice to update this, along with other things, but don't be expected much out of me the next few weeks.

The good news is I've got a stack of books waiting for me. This includes
Till We Have Faces by Lewis, finishing up One Hundred Years of Solitude by Marquez, Pale Fire by Nabakov, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, just for kicks, and who knows what else I'll throw in. Maybe some Adams if I pick up The Religion War. So, hopefully with some fuel for my thoughts, I'll come back with some decent posts.

I know it's been awhile since I gave anything worth reading. Two reasons for this; 1) I'd been extremely busy the past month or so academically, leaving me with little time to write anything of substance on here and 2) I'd been extremely busy the past month or so academically, leaving me with little to write that wasn't full of jargon or too existentially saturated for even those far past the tipping point to enjoy. But, hopefully with some "light" reading, I can come back with something thought provoking. Till then, Namaste' to all my friends. And to my enemies, Namaste'.

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