Saturday, April 1

Epicurus and Your Own Death

I'd just like to throw this out there and see what people's reactions are. So, feel free to comment on this one. I'd like to argue that one should never be afraid of death. This is adapted (or possibly copied, as I don't have the original texts) from the argument Epicurus gave on why death ain't so bad.

First, there is no reason to fear death because you can never be in any substantive relationship to death. While you are living, death does not exist for you. Hence, there is no intimate relation between you and death. When you die, you are annihilated. Hence, there is no "you" to be in any relation to death. So, while the action that is dying is of another matter, death, itself, is nothing to fear. Now, you may say that it is the fact that "you" will be annihilated that you have a negative reaction towards. But Epicurus offers an argument of symmetry for this one. Was it so terrible that you didn't exist before your birth? Well, the non-existence before your birth is the same exact non-existence as after your death. So, my question to you is, what's the big deal?

Disclaimer: For Epicurus, the largest obstacle for happiness is anxiety of the future. Once this fear is eliminated, there is no obstruction in the pursuit of ataraxia, or tranquility. The point is not that the matter of death is a matter of indifference, but that through the confidence derived from that indifference, you're able to lead a life of much less pain and fear. So, you know, don't go killing yourself or anything. Instead, live a tranquil life, or at least leave a post script on why you disagree.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post reminds me of the old saying "It's not the fall that kills you, it's when you hit the ground." I'm scared of dying, probably because I hate suprises and I detest any source of significant change, lest it be for the better, and judging by the way I've been living my life and all the fun I've been having I'm going to Purgatory for a L-O-N-G time. (Thanks Catholic church!)

4/03/2006 1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to address your question. Stephanie Davenport was a year ahead of us, a scottie, and very quiet in HS. She is fun and awesome now. Look on my facebook - the shower photos are on there and she is also one of the three women (including myself) who make up the "Powerful Bitch Triumverate" that owns Midnight Rodeo on Thursdays...we're in that album for your viewing pleasure, it's called "Midnight Rodeo is like our second home". we are barflies I guess...oh well.

4/03/2006 1:24 AM  

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