Thursday, April 6

Witticisms? Na, just an update

Unfortunately, I have nothing fun to write tonight. As the semester starts winding down, I've really got nothing going on in my life other than final papers and a bunch of reading. However, I found out one great piece of news yesterday I figured I'd share with you.

I'd heard that this was in the works, that they were trying to find the funding for a 13th spot, but I found out yesterday that I was awarded a TAship for next year! In addition to a stipend far above my current lifestyle (please note, that's not that much...I live a very basic life), I get my tuition waived for the entire year. That's going to save me about 13K in loans, not to mention justifying my auditing a couple courses.

Also some good news, I'll be branching out next year and taking a couple psych courses. I'm a man of two minds; half in and half out of the world. I agree with most antagonists to philosophy that it doesn't deal with real-world issues enough (or at least, for those real-world issues it does deal with, it doesn't ground them in anything substantive). However, I have a problem with psychology that it doesn't attempt to recreate the ideal and is focused too much on the microjules of the E5 region of the neocortex. But I do miss holding a brain in my hands (as opposed to just my mind). Given, the last time I did that, it fell out of the tupperware container and rolled across the table. But I caught it just as it started it's final descent...still wish I'd worn gloves that day. But we're able to take up to two graduate level courses in another discipline and count them towards our MA degree, plus I may be able to get what's called a "Master's Certificate" in psychology by taking two courses each of the next two semesters. It's not a full-out Master's degree, but something akin to what a minor is to an undergrad's major. Looks good on the PhD application. And, as a further benefit, I might be applying to the psych department here as a fall-back to any fall-back of a PhD school next semester. I would be a good candidate for similar funding to what I'll be receiving next year, and with four courses already out of the way, the only personal cost to me would be an extra year of my life. That way, when I do finally leave this cornfield, I could potentially have a double Master's in philosophy and psychology. Pretty cool, eh?

The best part about this all, though, is that my current debt of student loans will, hopefully, no longer be growing. All expenses paid next year, plus it's unlikely I'll be accepted to a PhD program and not get similar or more substantial funding than this TAship, so the current amount is stable until that quick-pick megalotto plan of mine pays out. Oh, come on, I'm going to be a professional's either the lotto or selling my body to pay off those loans. Hrm....on second thought...

Anyways, that's all that's new in the world of me, as sad and utterly boring as that may be. But soon enough, as the semester is out and I have the entire summer to run amok, I'll have some decent posts again.

Till then...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know how i feel about psychology....and i'm honestly proud of you for doing it. you rock.


4/07/2006 7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, im sure there is like a philosopher's calendar out there somewhere... kind of like the "fireman a month"... only "philosopher of the month ;)"

I am so proud of you... living your dream... hell... im still trying to find mine... but hey, at least im starting to eliminate what is NOT my dream... its a start...

and you know what??? that "GREAT" increase in lifestyle just means that you can make it to krewe de karte next year... and perhaps roadtrip it out here to the east coast so we can see some more stars in the water :)

i miss you


4/07/2006 5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting paid to go to school is the way to do it...just continue to put off getting a real job for as long as you can! Way to go Jeff, you are my hero!

So, since you are making all kinds of money now, you can take me on that trip around the world that you promised me. Oh, wait that wasn't you...damn...the memory goes after a completing a thesis, see what you have to look forward to!!!


4/11/2006 10:29 AM  

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