Tuesday, May 24

57 Hours

It has been over 57 hours since I had my last cigarette. JMD, MBB and I all put out our last cigarettes at midnight on Saturday night. Figured that the end of an era was just as good a time as any to quit a bad habit.

The three of us obviously have a lot of support from our friends, but more importantly we don't have the opprotunity to break the trend. Without a spare pack sitting around, as was always the case when one of us tried to quit without the other two, there's not that temptation to just have that one to ease the transition.

Anyways, I know MBB will keep it up as he's going to camp this summer then seminary starting next fall. I hope JMD also keeps it up, even though I'd owe him $20 if he makes it. As for me, it is going to be difficult once the guys leave. True, I still won't have that access to the random cigarette, but it provides that 5 minutes of "Jeff time" when I need a break in the day. Writing papers and reading is going to be difficult, as it always gave the opprotunity to reconsolidate my thoughts and digest the material I just went over. But regardless, I'm going to keep with it. I'm expecting the desire to have a random cigarette to be gone by the end of this weekend, though I'll still probably get the cued response from bars, writing papers, etc. for awhile.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I didn't even have to call your parents. ;)

5/24/2005 9:25 PM  

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