Thursday, May 19

G minus 2 days...

The Thursday before I graduate with a B.S. in Philosophy and Psychology went perfectly (note to the more esoteric readers: the next few days will simply be personal experiences regarding my graduation. I will not feel offended if you choose not to read through Monday.) My parents and I went out for some Rocky's pizza for lunch. Go figure, I meant all along to tell them about my acceptance into graduate school over lunch, and I forgot. Thus, we're out at Lakeside Mall, my mom is shopping in Dillard's and my dad and I are sitting on a bench when he asks me, "So how long does it take for a committee to meet?" I get a huge grin on my face and he realizes I already know the committee's decision. Both my parents were just as happy (if not more so) than I was last night when I got the news.

We didn't really do too much else today. As mentioned above, we went to Lakeside mall, then ended up at Superior Grill for dinner, followed by a few hours relaxing and chatting in my room. After they left tonight I went and met up with Shelby's family. I'd never met her dad before, but he ended up being a really funny guy. And, as always, her mom was a blast to be around. All of us, including ASH, went out to the Pub. This was shortly added to by Joe, Steph, Joe's mom and Aunt. Joe's mom and Shelby's mom hit it off just as expected. Anyways, the night ended perfectly and now I've just taken a shower (mental image..............ok, back to the story) and now to get some sleep before meeting up with my parents around 8am for breakfast.

Don't know exactly what tomorrow brings, but hopefully some more good food and a happy hour run. Tomorrow night my parents and I are eating dinner with Shelby and Joe's family, which should be interesting. Fun...enjoyable...but interesting none-the-less.

But for now, to bed.


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