Sunday, May 15

Our Impatient Eyes

I'm not a fan of people apologizing in an impersonal way. And as blogs are severely impersonal, as ironic as it may be, I won't bother with drawn out apologies or excuses for my absence.

I will say, though, that the two topics I've been dealing with are still are on the table. Some bad news came my way in regards to the 4+1 program for Philosophy. Seems that my major GPA in Philosophy may prevent me from getting into the program. Go figure...I take nearly all my Philosophy major requirements my freshman and sophomore year and get an under par GPA, while my second major in Psychology was basically taken during my junior and senior year with flying colors. There's no decision yet on admittance into the program, but I should hear back tomorrow, Wednesday by the latest.

And I feel like I'm setting myself up for failure. I mentioned in my last useful post that I got hired back on with Housing. I'll now say that it was for the ARD-Ops position in Monroe (the job I currently hold). Well, I talked with Dave on Friday, and they may be looking to give me a little something more next year. So now I've been offered a better job, more responsibility, a bit more in the pay department if I understand it correctly, and yet it just builds me up higher to crash down further if this 4+1 doesn't work out.

In the meantime, I am enjoying the week before graduation. I have a lot of time to spend doing nothing but hanging out with my best friends. It's that comfortable feeling of simply being around eachother without the necessity of knowing exactly what you're going to do in the next hour (with a few exceptions during dinner time...) But for now, I believe I could use a little blink out of existence...


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