Wednesday, August 24

Love of Wisdom

For the most part, this summer I haven't really had much to write about. Unfortunately, now I have the exact opposite problem. I don't even know where to begin. I'm taking 3 courses for credit, and sitting in on another: Epistemology (theory of knowledge), intermediate logic, and philosophy of science, while sitting in on a Descartes seminar in preparation for the comprehensive exams come March. I gotta say, it is exactly what I've been looking for in philosophy. Given the logic course is going to be a breeze with my modal background, but we're discussing the validity and soundness to the theories proposed by psychology in the philosophy of science course and we're starting with skepticism and semantic externalism in epistemology. It's more the abstract, higher-order approach that I'd been wanting all the while I was taking the political theory and histories at Tulane.

Anyways, once I can find a place to dig in, perhaps I'll post some thoughts on how we can justify having hands...or, perhaps some other topic. Not to say I haven't already began going through my readings. Seems like every day I come home and get all my reading done for the next week the night of. I know, it's odd to look forward to my "homework," but perhaps it's not true demensia quite yet. Afterall, it's not like I have anything else to do when I get home. Though I did make an excellent spaghetti dinner this evening...

But things are good and philosophy students are socially awkward. Oh, and work starts up tomorrow, so maybe a few debaucherous stories will come from that. After all, it is the service industry. Till then...


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell yeah spaghetti ... and it's totally Wednesday! - J

8/24/2005 11:25 PM  

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