Sunday, September 18

Post in Progress

Sorry for not posting my continued thought from below. It's not for lack of trying. I put a little time into getting my thoughts out again tonight, and saved the draft. It's getting close to being ready, but clearity on the issue only comes for a few moments before getting all muddled again. I should say now that one shouldn't get any expectations as to this post. It's not going to even be that good. Trust me. But it is of interest to me, and that's the only reason I'm putting time into it. But I have linked the title of this post to what turns out to be my first post on this line of thoughts. There's also an unpublished post on the same line from the 11th of August that I'm using parts of, but I couldn't find the words even then, so I never ended up even mentioning it. Anyways, not to make a big deal out of it, but just wanted to at least update the page.
