Friday, September 2

Star-Crossed Times

Clicking on the title will take you to a Washington Post article that, in my opinion, is the best account of the feelings I've been trying to convey. Thanks to SLC for passing that along, as the portion about coming of age in the crescent city definately hit home.

Also, some good news. In addition to Northern setting up fund raising drives on campus and sending e-mail to their entire student body on how to donate and volunteer, I've recently heard some good news from other universities as well. I know MBB has information on UGA's program, and I recently heard that MSU (previously SMSU, in my hometown) is offering tuition waiver for the semester for those displaced from their own college due to Katrina. It's good to know that, even through the sometimes isolated prespective from inside the ivory tower, individuals and colleges as a whole are still conscious of the needs of humanity and the connection to the world around us.

Not all is dark. My peace be.