Tuesday, November 15

Love...what a pity

As posted on GrumpStump in the Love forum:
It was out of pity, really, that I decided to post in this forum. Looking down the list of forums, Love was the only one without any attention.

And I guess that's a good enough framework for the analogy; (cue Titanic soundtrack) maybe that's all love really is. You find that "special" individual who happens to be just pitiful enough to fall for you. They need you, like you need them...a symbiotic relationship where, if we had a caste system, neither of you would be upsetting your parents.

The powerful date the powerful, the intelligent date the intelligent, the Captain Kirk's of the world date...uh...whatever the female Trekkies dress up as when they go to conventions.

Proximity? Nay! In this global village we live in, anyone peek through your bedroom windows. Things in common? Nay! Opposites attract, the need to challenge one-another, boredom through a repetitious life style; pick your reason. But...just maybe...na, it couldn't be...but, yes, an individual just picks his/her mate based on the best they can get.

It's a law of nature. The problem is the stratification between the different "best I can get"'s out there in the world is growing. Partly due to the high cost of condoms (cough) and the inability of trailer trash to afford proper birth control. Partly due to the urban planning and engineered segregation. But mainly due to the fact that we're animals. There is no cupid crapping in his pants 4 feet above your head. You simply shun the omega male, lust after Ashton Kutcher, but settle for your hierarchically similar Tobey Maguire.

By the way, I'm currently single.
Feel like I'm in the wrong? Feel like I'm in the right? Let me know by going to www.grumpstump.com and posting a reply. You can post as a guest or spend 20 seconds to decide an ID name for yourself. Of course, you're also welcome to post a comment here, if you like.

Post Scripts...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff, you're sick ... but it's good. - J

11/16/2005 10:43 PM  

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