Sunday, June 5


Had a migraine all day today. It was as though a nebulous cloud drifted in, then remained stale in the forefront of my brain the entire day. I ended up sleeping/lying in bed with my eyes closed, because it was the only thing to stop the pain. In return, I am again not tired at nearly 4am.

Possibly an onslaught of stress? I've decided I'm going to go visit DeKalb before I try to make a decision. Although it will technically add a year onto my schooling, hypothetically the 4+1 at Tulane was going to be a 2 year investment as well (one year to complete the Masters, plus one year to apply to PhD programs with a full year of new academic records). Also, the out of state tuition is roughly equal to that of Tulane. The only difference is that it's spread over a two year span and I'd have to pay for housing in DeKalb. The last issue I'm going to bring up tonight is a point a friend of mine brought up. If I had recieved the acceptance letter in early or mid-April, would I have chosen to go there? Yes. I would not have even applied to Tulane's 4+1 program. It really is a great opprotunity. I feel as though the Fates are escorting me through the back door of a system I should not have been allowed into. I mean, not being humble or self-depricating, but I seriously do not have the records to be admitted to a program as well reputed as NIU's. Second in the nation? Not a chance. A lot of my close friends, because they're such good friends, will be saying, "but you have the abilities, even if your grades don't show it." Maybe...but anyone who's reading this post likely knows the politics of academia...the ivory tower is not as forgiving or understanding as these friends of mine. So, in my opinion at least, this is like a saving move I should be acting upon. Anyways, I didn't plan on getting into this tonight, so I'm going to leave it hanging mid-air to cure for the rest of the weekend. Feel free to leave comment.

It is somewhat funny...I feel like I'm more worried about this choice between two great alternatives than I was when I didn't have any options from which to choose.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy the random links.

6/06/2005 11:56 AM  

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