Monday, June 6

My Boxes

I've finished moving my stuff out of Monroe. I had intentions of leaving a couple boxes over there in the closet. Just books (ok...just lots of books) and a few random, non-stackable items like lamps, etc. Sure, they might have gotten stolen. Well, not my books. But I wasn't really worried about them. But then I started thinking about it; although I currently have access to the Monroe room, there's no reason to believe that it will remain that way for the entire Summer. If for some reason I needed to get ahold of all my belongings, my room's card reader would undoubtedly be down for maintanance. As a result, I figured it'd just be best to have all my stuff over in the Willow room.

Not a bad haul, though. I have a rule about the stuff I can own. I can only possess as much stuff as will fit in my car. That's fair. I have a Blazer were the back seat folds down, so there's definately plenty of room. It's the perfect middle ground between materialism and asceticism. I'll be honest in that I am a little over my limit currently. But forgoing appliances, I think I'd just about hit it right with a snug fit of all my stuff. However...all of it is currently sitting in the middle of my room...

I would get to finding better places for these boxes tonight, but I'm feeling a bit drowsy. It's best to catch these waves when they hit and ride them on in. Otherwise, the next bought of tiredness won't hit till probably 4am. I'm going to get up for the Spinning class in the morning, so I figure it's better to head to bed now rather than later. However, I will update you all on my future trip home, to DeKalb, and to Colorado (from the 11th thru the 24th). But that will have to wait.

TDZ: Sorry I didn't call you tonight. I got to talking to the rents about the plans for next week and by the time that was squared away it was pretty late. I'll get ahold of you tonight...


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