"In the past, there was little separation between the lives of plants and animals and the lives of men. Nowadays, there are men who practice separation, not only from the creatures but from other men. The Romans with their Christianity have promoted the idea of the human individual. But you are neither Roman nor Christian, and you are no less smitten, so perhaps the spirit is in the air. The Romans encourage individualism, but they maintain rigid controls. Sooner or later, men will come along whose beliefs in the supremacy of the exceptional, extraordinary, isolated individual will cause them to declare themselves exempt from controls. In their uniqueness, they will not hesitate to defy accepted standards. Oh, these men will give Rome -- and all the Romes that shall follow Rome -- a very large headache. You, Alobar, I suspect, are among the first of such men."
Jitterbug Perfume
Tom Robbins
I had that quote up as an away message this evening. After CJB gave comment on it, I figured I'd go ahead and post that up here.
I will soon add a little bit of meat to this Divergent, desolate World. The post is half written, but I'm afraid it might piss off a couple people (unwarranted piss-offs, that is...otherwise it'd be posted already). So after I clean it up a bit and make my exact meaning known, it'll be up; probably late tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime, defy the accepted standards.