Let's stop to get it gone
Realistically, it is the smartest path for me to follow right now. I'll be honest in saying I'm slightly disappointed at not hearing back from Chris about the Mississippi State Job, but I know he's busy and has a lot of things on his plate at the end of the year.
So back to logistics. Overall plan: I might do this all in one year, with a thesis started first semester and finished up second semester. Brower is checking on the 'delayed thesis' idea, to see if the graduate school would allow such a thing, but I might end up reapplying to programs after I get my first semester grades next year. So that could mean I'd jump straight from the 4+1 to a PhD program and be on my way to being a professor.
Two details of the plan: 1) I stopped by and talked with Dave Haden from HRL after I met with Zimmerman on Wednesday, and I found out Friday that there's a good chance I'll end up with a position next year. There were no specifics nor paperwork at this point, and I'll fill you in if I hear anything else, but suffice it to say that I hopefully won't have to worry about that end.
2) Now for the negative detail. The catch. The small pin that this entire plan is hanging on. I might not even get accepted to the 4+1 program. Everyone's been telling me all semester that there's no way I wouldn't get in to any school I apply to. While I thank you for this complement, there are many ways in which any school could turn me down. Perhaps not me as in the 'flesh-and-blood sentient being' me, but the me that exists on paper. I don't want to go into specifics on a fairly public source, but suffice it to say there there is a fairly frustratingly close ratio of individuals on the committee that could allow me into the program.
Anyways, I guess all I can do is apply and hope for the best. I'll probably be able to get everything in to Brower by Tuesday or Wednesday, and then I should hear sometime early the next week. Have no doubt that as soon as I know, it'll be posted here. However, you'll probably read several more posts about this point between now and then, as it seems to be taking up my entire life (perhaps because the decisions effect my entire life). Enough about it for now, though.